

CNHP Tracking List – An online searchable list of species and natural communities tracked by CNHP, linked to species reports. CNHP tracks elements that are globally rare or declining, or of conservation value in the state of Colorado.
PCA List – An online searchable list of CNHP Potential Conservation Areas in Colorado. PCAs highlight areas in the state contributing to Colorado’s biological diversity and typically include suitable habitat for the elements they support.
CNHP Reports – An online searchable list of all CNHP reports.
Rare Plant Guide – An online searchable list of rare plants in Colorado, with species profiles providing detailed information on taxonomy, phenology, distribution, threats and management.
Bats of Colorado - An online list of bats in Colorado along with species profiles providing detailed information on identification, distribution, habitat, breeding and food preferences.
Wetland Field Guides – Several fields guides and a mobile app are available to help professionals and amateurs identify wetland plant species in Colorado.
Wetlands Map Viewer – An online map viewer displaying data on the distribution and classification of wetlands in Colorado.
Watershed Toolbox - An online map viewer to assist in watershed planning, restoration and wetland conservation. Some data are statewide, but the most detailed layers are in the Arkansas and South Platte Headwaters.
Wetland Plots Database - An online searchable database with field data from thousands of wetland and riparian plots across Colorado collected from various projects since the 1990s. Data includes a species list and, where available, detailed vegetation data, soil profiles, water chemistry measurements, and condition and stressor metrics.
COMaP – An online map viewer with the latest Colorado land status data detailing owner, manager, easement holder, public access and more.


Species Activity Mapping data
State Wildlife Action Plan
Species Recovery and Conservation Plans
Colorado Threatened and Endangered List
Colorado Natural Areas


T&E species page

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies




NatureServe Explorer
U.S. National Vegetation Classification
Explorer Pro